Business Apps

In this post I’m referring to tools you integrate with your business and tips that will help during your research. I love tools. I love them. Anything that streamlines my life (I have a lifestyle blog about it over here) or business, I’m all ears.

There have been tools that completely transformed my business. Use them wisely.

Tips for shopping for any application or solution for your biz

  1. Check for a free trial.

  2. Know your needs prior to researching.

  3. Do the math: weigh out how will this help your business compared to how much you spend on it monthly.

  4. Check out comparison websites (just google search x compared to y)

  5. Ask friends on social media and reviews

  6. Check reddit (run a search) Reddit is my favorite place to research

  7. Always be open to consolidating services or replacing one for one that works better. It might be less headache than you think to switch over, and might be WAY worth the trouble.

  8. It’s important enough / complex enough, do a spreadsheet to track what features it has and / or a rating system.

What are your favorite apps? What have I left out?


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