Diverse Stock Photos

If you’ve been on the hunt for great stock photos, chances are you’ve noticed everyone is white. I always encourage my clients to include a mix of people in their brand imagery. It’s great for several reasons. First and foremost, we’re all different. It’s senseless to only include one type of person. Secondly, people need to be able to relate to your brand or else they’re not going to want to work with you.

By including a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, etc of people you’re telling your viewers, ‘we don’t prefer one type of person’.

Check out Pexels.com – I searched for women because I was looking for a specific photo and I was really pleased with what I found.

Be sure to check out the terms and please, please always give credit to the artist who took the photo. The website conveniently includes quick copy-and-paste credit text when you download to save you time.


Jasmine Dunbar


Stock Photo Tips